Κοινώς Αυστραλέζους!! Γίνεται Ο ΧΑΜΟΣ αυτή την εποχή για κάποιο λόγο και βομβαρδίζομαι κυριολεκτικά από μηνύματα των σωστικών ομίλων. Θα θυμάστε ότι οι γκιόσσες στο Ιλλινόι και την Άιοβα ρίξανε τον πρόεδρα του κυρίως σωστικού ομίλου και κάθονται τώρα και τα ξύνουν, ενώ ο τύπος ίδρυσε δικό του όμιλο και και προωθεί Αυστραλέζους απ' όλες τις Μεσοδυτικές και μη πολιτείες (http://www.ns4ar.org/). Είναι τραγικό και απίστευτο το πόσα σκυλιά πάνε στα αζήτητα. Ναι, το ξέρω, υπάρχουν και κομίζω γλαύκα εις Αθήνας (στην κυριολεξία), αλλά δεν μπορώ να το συνηθίσω:

We Are Being Flooded
I arrived at work Monday only to discover we are over flowing with emergency rescues all over the State of Illinois, Indiana and Missouri. We have 3 Australian Shepherds at the Effingham Animal...I arrived at work Monday only to discover we are over flowing with emergency rescues all over the State of Illinois, Indiana and Missouri.
We have 3 Australian Shepherds at the Effingham Animal Control in Effingham Illinois that need rescued. Colleen, one of our Central Illinois volunteers is traveling there today to see what the status is and knowing how we are will be traveling back home with 3 Aussies all in need of rescue.

Blue Merle Effingham IL

Red Tri Effingham IL

Another Blue Merle Effingham IL

We have 1 beautiful red merle female pup that is in Franklin County Indiana that is on the PTS list and is shy or afraid of people, she was a stray and we are hoping it entails shelter shock, which so many Aussies seem to acquire in shelters.

Red Merle Australian Shepherd in Franklin IN

Then down in Joplin Missouri we have these 2 mini Aussies that are in dire straits and we are hoping are headed to New Spirit this weekend. They were surrendered to the shelter and are said to be good boys and girls.

Red Tri Mini Aussie Joplin MO
