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Και για να μη με κατηγορείτε μόνον εμένα, ορίστε και το email που έλαβα από την πρόεδρο του Σωστικού Ομίλου των Αυστραλέζων Ποιμενικών του Μίσιγκαν. Η γυναίκα πλέον τα έχει φτύσει και καθότι αυτή μου έδωσε το Μουφ και έχει ΤΕΣΣΕΡΕΙΣ δικούς της Αυστραλέζους, όλους πρώην παρατημένους, από την ίδια περιοχή, κάτι μου λέει ότι τα δυο Αυστραλέζικα τέρατα, ο Benson και η Natalie, είναι τα άγνωστα χαμένα αδερφάκια του Μουφ!! Η γυναίκα είδε και αποείδε και θα τα πάει ξανά-μανά εκπαίδευση μπας και μάθουν τρόπους και θα αγοράσει και καραμούζα σαν τη δικιά μου αφού το μικρό κτήνος πήγε να πεθάνει ανεβαίνοντας στους πάγκους και καταβροχθίζοντας μακαντέμια φουντούκια:Benson got into macadamia nuts last week, and number one with 4 dogs I didn't know which dog had counter surfed to get them and number two, I didn't know that they are highly toxic to dogs. The nuts were eaten around 7 PM and of course it was my fault for leaving them on the counter but got a phone call from a friend I hadn't talked to in months so walked away from the kitchen---my mistake. When I got off the phone I'd say that about a cup or more of my favorite nuts had been eaten and the can was on the floor. It wasn't until about 11:30 that I walked into our bedroom and found that Benson had thrown up the nuts and was acting very sick. I went online only to find out that yes, they are extremely toxic to dogs. I called Wilson Vet Clinic in Romeo and they confirmed that I needed to get him there ASAP. Matt got pulled over by a cop for going through a red light about 1/2 mile from Wilsons. We sat at the light for the entire time and saw that it was changing to green or so we thought and since time was of the essence we went ahead. Fortunately for us the cop was a dog lover and he told us to go ahead to Wilson and he'd follow us which he did. Matt got a warning but no ticket. They kept Benson overnight and he got the lovely charcoal treatment and IV's. They said the biggest problem with macadamia poisoning is that the dog's temperature can go as high as 106+ and then they also get muscle weakness in their legs and can't walk. We got there soon enough that he didn't suffer any of those but if I hadn't noticed that he'd thrown up, I'm sure I might have lost my sweet boy.
Where did you find the horn that you use for Attalos for counter surfing? I have tried other things but unfortunately our dogs will continue to counter surf despite my best efforts to keep them from doing it. Natalie has even stolen a ham steak out of the pan while it was cooking----didn't even burn her mouth! The macadamia nuts were up on the counter but the top wasn't on but I'm sure that Benson wouldn't have had a problem getting the top off if it had been on.
I need to also get Benson into more obedience. He pulls me like a bulldozer when we try to walk unless I use a Halti head collar on him. He then walks very nicely, thank goodness. I don't think obedience is his favorite thing but he sure does need another class.
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